
What is the meaning of Color?

The color of a diamond refers to the presence or absence of color within the diamond, which is one of the key factors used to evaluate a diamond's quality and value. In white diamonds, the term color actually refers to the lack of color—a colorless diamond allows more light to pass through it, resulting in greater sparkle and brilliance.

The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) grades diamond color on a scale that ranges from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown), with D being the highest grade, representing the most colorless diamond, and Z indicating a diamond with noticeable color.

What is the meaning of Color?

The full color scale ranges from D to Z, with D grade diamonds appearing colorless and Z diamonds featuring a pale yellow hue.


Understanding the Color Grading Scale:


Colorless diamonds, with D being absolutely colorless. These are the rarest and most valuable.


Near colorless. To the untrained eye, these diamonds appear colorless when mounted, but slight color can be detected when compared side-by-side against diamonds of better grades.


Faint color. A slight yellow or brown tint is visible, even to an untrained eye, especially when compared directly to diamonds of higher grades.


Very light color. Yellow or brown tint is more easily observed, affecting the diamond's appearance slightly.


Light color. A noticeable color tint (yellow or brown) is visible, which may affect the sparkle and overall aesthetic appeal of the diamond.

Importance of Diamond Color:

Impact on Appearance:

The color of a diamond can significantly impact its appearance. Colorless and near-colorless diamonds are prized for their ability to reflect light beautifully, resulting in high brilliance and fire.


Diamonds closer to colorless are more rare and, therefore, more expensive. As you move down the color scale, diamonds typically decrease in price.

Setting Influence:

The color of the setting can influence the perceived color of a diamond. For example, a slightly yellow diamond might appear more colorless in a yellow gold setting, which can mask its color tint.

Here is a visual illustration of how the color can significantly impact the perceived value of a diamond.

Here, we present three diamonds with identical characteristics in terms of Clarity (VVS1), Carat Weight (2ct), and Cut (Excellent).
Our focus now shifts to the variable that sets them apart: the color.


*Reference value, based on the Rapaport Price List, for comparative purposes.

Diving into Diamond Color:

A Visual Journey in our Video Exploration

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Fancy Color Diamonds

Fancy color diamonds are natural diamonds that exhibit strong and distinct colors, unlike the traditional white or colorless diamonds graded on the D to Z scale. These diamonds come in a variety of colors like pink, blue, green, black and many others. The appeal of fancy color diamonds lies in their unique beauty and rarity.

They are sought after by collectors and enthusiasts who are looking for something different from the traditional white diamond. Because of its rarity, makes them even more valuable.

Fancy Color Diamonds

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