
What is the meaning of cut?

The cut of a diamond is one of its most important characteristics, directly influencing its beauty, brilliance, and overall appeal. The term cut refers to how well the diamond has been cut and shaped from its rough form, including its proportions, symmetry, and polish.

These factors affect the diamond's ability to reflect and refract light, contributing to its sparkle or brilliance.

What is the meaning of cut?

Cut is the only characteristic that takes into account the design and craftsmanship of the diamond.
A yellowish diamond with a perfect cut can sparkle more that a colorless diamond with a bad cut.


Components of Diamond Cut


The angles and relative measurements of a diamond. Proportions are crucial because they affect the diamond's ability to reflect light. This includes the depth and width of the diamond and how these dimensions impact the diamond's interaction with light.


How precisely the various facets of a diamond align and intersect. Symmetry affects how light is reflected within and out of the diamond. Good symmetry means that the facets are well-aligned, which enhances the diamond's brilliance.


The smoothness of the diamond's facets. The quality of the polish affects how well light can enter and exit the diamond, impacting its sparkle.

At AJ Jewels we use diamonds fitting in the excellent category of each of these components.

Importance of Cut


The total light reflected from a diamond. A well-cut diamond will appear more brilliant because it maximizes the amount of light reflected back to the viewer's eye.


The dispersion of light into the colors of the spectrum. A diamond with a good cut will have more fire, showing off a play of colors.


The sparkle a diamond produces, and the pattern of light and dark areas caused by reflections within the diamond. A well-cut diamond will have a balanced scintillation, making it appear lively and bright.

Here is a visual illustration of how the cut can significantly impact the perceived value of a diamond.

Here, we present three diamonds with identical characteristics in terms of Clarity (VVS1), Carat Weight (2ct), and Color (G).
Our focus now shifts to the variable that sets them apart: the cut.


*Reference value, based on the Rapaport Price List, for comparative purposes.

Mastering Brilliance:

Illuminate Your Understanding with Our Cut Quality Video Exploration

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